Life Coach Nizam interviews Deborah in a delightful way to share about how Deborah looks at how disease, health and love are connected, as well as how important it is to take care of yourself. Also learn a little about how EFT Tapping helps one deal with trauma.

A few months ago, I got a friend request on Facebook from Bernadina. I paused as I realized she was one of the children with cancer that I helped a long time ago. In fact, I hadn’t had contact with her for 11 years.
Reconnecting, then finding out that this whole time she has thought of me often and has continued using the EFT Tapping I taught her, touched my heart deeply.
One of the difficult parts of working with these children is that many times once they leave the hospital there isn’t any further contact. I have no idea if they are alive, living well, using what I’ve shared with them or have passed on.
This reconnection touched me deeply and brought tears of joy to my eyes. It reminded me that whether I have contact or not with the children, it has been worth every second of my efforts sharing my knowledge and love to support them in their life.
Bernadina’s comment:
The truth is, I am also very happy to be able to talk with you because you helped me a lot during my illness. You were always with me supporting me and the truth is I will always be grateful to you.

Hace unos meses, recibí una solicitud de amistad en Facebook de Bernadina. Hice una pausa cuando me di cuenta de que ella era una de las niñas con cáncer a las que ayudé hace mucho tiempo. De hecho, no había tenido contacto con ella durante 11 años.
Reconectarme y luego descubrir que todo este tiempo ella ha pensado en mí a menudo y ha continuado usando el EFT Tapping que le enseñé, tocó mi corazón profundamente.
Una de las partes difíciles de trabajar con estos niños es que muchas veces, una vez que salen del hospital, no hay más contacto. No tengo idea de si están vivos, viviendo bien, usando lo que les he compartido o les han fallecido.
Esta reconexión me conmovió profundamente y trajo lágrimas de alegría a mis ojos. Me recordó que, ya sea que tenga contacto o no con los niños, ha valido la pena cada segundo de mis esfuerzos compartiendo mi conocimiento y amor para apoyarlos en su vida.
Comentado de Bernadina:
La verdad yo también me siento muy contenta de poder platicar con usted porque usted me ayudó muchísimo en el transcurso de mi enfermedad. Siempre estuvo conmigo apoyándome y la verdad siempre estaré agradecida con usted.
Emotional and physical pain affect us all at some point in our lives. Yet, do you know how the pain got there, why it is still there and even more importantly how to reduce or eliminate it? Listen to this call for a discussion about the underlying causes of emotional and physical pain and how to release them in simple, practical and gentle ways. We’ll do some EFT too.
Contact Deborah for a individual support:
• Would you like to feel comfortable Tapping with children?
• Would you like to help children manage their emotions gracefully and easily?
• Would you like to empower children, including those who are ill or suffering?
This interactive online course is designed to help EFT Tapping students and practitioners who want to have the confidence to work with children.
Tapping with children is different than with adults, and very rewarding. Adults think, process, and reflect whereas children feel and experience. Helping a child create a positive focus helps the child (and family members) move through the journey of healing calmly and gracefully and, most importantly, in an empowered way.
Deborah Miller, PhD, author of “Tap It… All Better Now!: True Stories of Children and Parents Dealing with Cancer and their Path to Health Using Tapping” has over 11 years’ experience Tapping with hospitalized children in the pediatric cancer ward. She helps them deal with:
• The shock of diagnosis
• Fear of needles, treatments, surgeries, hospitals, doctors and death
• Reducing pain – emotional and physical
• Traumatic experiences
• Expressing their negative emotions
• Builds confidence
• Helps the child visualize his desired outcome
• Teaches the child to Tap on her own
• Makes Tapping fun!
What This Course Will Provide:
• A presentation of Deborah’s experience
• Demonstrations with volunteers in the group
• Practice in pairs and groups of three
• Discussions of the Tapping Experience, Practical Tips
• Four hours may be applied towards continuing professional development education hours (CPD’s)
• Deborah’s book, “Tap It… All Better Now!: True Stories of Children and Parents Dealing with Cancer and their Path to Health Using Tapping,” containing tapping stories and guides she has used with hospitalized children and their families, will be available for purchase on
This course will give you the confidence to work with children. What better way to improve humanity than teach our children to embrace their emotions and release their hurts, and to love and respect themselves and others?
Date: Oct 6, 2018
Hours: 10 am – 2 pm Central Time
Location: Online via Zoom
Cost: 197 USD
Sign up link: Tapping for Kids
Tapping with Deborah
Tapping with Deborah has been set up for those who want to have continued support in their Tapping and dealing with the emotions and issues that arise during our lives. These tapping sessions are offered online monthly using a zoom conference room to make easy access no matter where you live.
Various topics are offered:
a. Parents with children with cancer for support, relief and tips
b. Monthly Tapping for continued release and maintenance
c. Tapping on creating Ideal Weight
Contact me at: for more information.
I was interviewed by Gene Monterastelli on Feb 7th. Listen to what we have to say about listening to your body.
Pod #304: Listen To Your Body And Find Better Health w/ Deborah D. Miller PhD
When one is ill it is so easy to feel depressed or lack the energy and enthusiasm to do what is needed to get better. Your body is tired or aches. Your mind is worried or even terrified. Yet, this is exactly the time to be persistent in self-care – both emotionally and physically.
Let me share a real-life story about Gilda. She is an amazing example of why persistence pays off. I’m so extremely proud of her and delighted with her enthusiasm for life even after all that she has experienced.
Gilda’s Story
When Gilda was 10 years old she was diagnosed with an osteosarcoma – bone cancer. She was afraid all of the time, even of things that hadn’t even happened or wouldn’t even happen.
Gilda and I did a lot of Tapping together to alleviate those fears. You can read more about what Tapping is on my website Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT Tapping)
Gilda even stars in my book, “The Dragon with Flames of Love” in the story “Balloons Balloons Balloons” where we used tapping and the image of balloons to release those fears. Boy, did she release those fears.
Life doesn’t have just one fear, so when new fears or challenges came up, we tapped together again. We made tapping fun, playful and easy for her. By making tapping fun, it helped Gilda remember to do the tapping.
As she released the fears she took steps toward choosing to live. She continued her treatments. She challenged herself to walk with her prosthetic leg, an internal titanium post that replaced her own leg bone.
I remember her getting knee high hot pink tennis shoes. She loved them. Even with the hot pink tennis shoes she was afraid to really step forward until we tapped away her fears. Then you should have seen her go. She would walk around so proudly. In fact, she would practically run as she felt the joy of being able to walk again.
Gilda’s Persistence
That prosthetic implant helped her for a couple of years and she thought that she was set until she fell and injured herself. She was 14 at the time. Unfortunately, the cancer came back and she lost her left leg from the hip down. Instead of despairing and giving up, she decided to live. She did Tapping again to release her new fears.
In addition, I taught her how to tap on her own at home. It is an important step in self-care when the person who is ill actually does the emotional release regularly. Gilda became responsible for her emotional state of being that in turn affected her physical being.
When she got overwhelmed and felt she couldn’t do the tapping alone, I had her tap while she invited her “Spiritual Healer” (her description of God) to help her. She was tapping for herself, and she didn’t feel like she had to do it all alone because her spiritual healer supported her and helped her heal. That helped her listen more carefully to her body’s needs while feeling supported and cared for as she took care of herself.
Even after losing her left leg, this spirited young woman was determined to live. She continued to have a positive attitude and the determination to survive. She told me with such conviction that she wants to live, to go to school and to walk again. She did Tapping, persistently.
On Aug 25, 2017, I visited with Gilda in her home. She proudly came walking towards me with her new prosthetic leg that she had received 2 weeks beforehand. She’d waited 1.5 years to receive the prosthetic leg because of lack of funds to purchase it.
As we talked, she told me she is going to school. She is playing wheelchair basketball 3x a week. She raced in 2 wheelchair races and won 1st and 3rd prize.
Gilda’s Goals
She wants to
- finish High School.
- study architecture.
- and build ecological homes.
You can see her enthusiasm for life, her determination and continued desire to live when you look at her. Watch her walk with her new prosthetic leg.
VIDEO – Gilda Walking with Prosthetic
Gilda Inspires Others
Gilda helped another young girl who lost her leg above the knee, who was depressed and didn’t want to go out because people would “look” at her. She shared her story of how she was also so afraid, how she used Tapping to release those fears and build up her faith in herself. By sharing her story, this other girl now is going out and feels she cannot worry about how people will look at her as different. What a gift Gilda has given this young woman.
Gilda still uses EFT today. She uses it mostly when she is having “problems.” We discussed how she could use tapping daily to help her body release stress in order to help her immune system stay strong. I know she will.
She touches my heart and soul with her inner beauty and determination.
She is a testament to why persistence pays off. I hope she inspires you to be persistent too.
Why Tapping is Good for You?
- It helps reduce stress hormones like cortisol, which reduce inflammation in the body and reduce the stress on your immune system.
- By having a stronger immune system, your body has improved healing processes.
- Tapping helps you reduce the fears, anxieties, and traumas so that you can take the steps needed in the healing process.
- It clears out old unhealthy mental and emotional patterns.
- Tapping allows you to feel calm, peaceful and open to new possibilities.
- Tapping helps you instill new healthy, loving beliefs about yourself and your body.
Need Help with Tapping?
- Contact me for personalized sessions
- Join Tapping with Deborah Group Tapping Sessions
- Get the book, “The Dragon with Flames of Love” filled with Tapping advice
- Watch my YouTube videos at Deborah’s YouTube Videos
Blessings and love to Gilda!! She is a angel on earth.
I spent some time with Javier, one of the children I supported with Tapping during his years in treatment for cancer. He is now a 2 1/2 year cancer survivor. I’m so proud of him.
Even though he is doing well, we did more tapping to help him deal with the emotions that are coming up currently in his daily life. Tapping will help him continue to stay well by managing his emotions. Lowered stress and emotional angst allows one’s immune system to stay strong. This is what I desire for Javier – continued joy, peace and health.
I desire that you also have joy, peace and health.
• Would you like to feel comfortable Tapping with children?
• Would you like to help children manage their emotions gracefully and easily?
• Would you like to empower children, including those who are ill or in critical condition?
This interactive online course is designed to help EFT Tapping students and practitioners who want to have the confidence to work with children.
Tapping with children is different than with adults, and very rewarding. Adults think, process, and reflect whereas children feel and experience. Helping a child create a positive focus helps the child (and family members) move through the journey of healing calmly and gracefully and, most importantly, in an empowered way.
Deborah Miller, PhD, author of “The Dragon with Flames of Love: EFT Tapping for Kids” has over 9 years’ experience Tapping with hospitalized children in the pediatric cancer ward. She helps them deal with:
• The shock of diagnosis
• Fear of needles, treatments, surgeries, hospitals, doctors and death
• Reducing pain – emotional and physical
• Traumatic experiences
• Expressing their negative emotions
• Builds confidence
• Helps the child visualize his desired outcome
• Teaches the child to Tap on her own
• Makes Tapping fun!
What This Course Will Provide:
• A presentation of Deborah’s experience
• Demonstrations with volunteers in the group
• Practice in pairs and groups of three
• Discussions of the Tapping Experience, Practical Tips
• Four hours may be applied towards continuing professional development education hours (CPD’s)
• Deborah’s book, “The Dragon with Flames of Love,” containing tapping scripts she has used with hospitalized children and their families, will be available for purchase at a special discount
• 30% of the proceeds will be donated toward the production of Alina Frank and Craig Weiner’s documentary film The Science of Tapping
This course will give you the confidence to work with children. What better way to improve humanity than teach our children to embrace their emotions and release their hurts, and to love and respect themselves and others?
Date: Feb 11, 2017
Hours: 11 am – 3 pm Central Time
Location: Online via Zoom
Cost: 197 USD
EFT students and practitioners only
Sign up link: