Deborah D. Miller, Ph.D. in Cell and Molecular Biology is an EFT practitioner, Dressing Your Truth Expert, SRT practitioner, Reiki Master and Personal Motivation guide.  She has facilitated EFT and instructed many on the Laws of Attraction in person, on the radio and in teleconference sessions.  As a Dressing Your Truth Expert she helps you identify your unique Energy Profile™, then teaches what colors, shapes, textures, fabrics, and design lines honor that core true self within you.

She is the author of “What have you got to be Thankful for?” a 30 day gratitude journal and co-author of “101 Great Ways to Improve Your Health.”  Deborah specializes in empowering individuals by helping them release their blocks and inhibitions followed by instilling new beliefs that allow them to step into their own power.  She has created EFT scripts and audios to help individuals with the EFT process.

Find out more about Deborah at her websites: and